B&B and Guest House % Occupancy 2017 - Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire

% Occupancy
    Accommodation Sector Insights

    B&B % Occupancy 2017 - Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire

    Source: VS Scottish Accommodation Occupancy Survey

    This data is drawn from the VisitScotland Scottish Accommodation Occupancy Survey. This survey offers a snapshot of accommodation performance in the Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire region, and a comparison to Scotland-wide figures is provided. The SAOS data is collected and processed by the Moffat Centre on behalf of VisitScotland. 

    The 2017 average occupancy figure for Bed & Breakfast, Guest Houses was 60%, an increase of 28% on the previous year. The region performs well in comparison to the overall Scotland-wide figure of 45%, a reflection perhaps of the high share of Visiting Friends and Relatives market received into the region.

    The seasonal nature of this accommodation category is evident in these figures, however the 0% figure for December is currently being questioned and will be clarified as soon as possible.

    Hover over the chart points to see raw data. 


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