How would you rate your visit to Aberdeenshire overall?

    Regional Key Performance Indicators

    Visitor Survey: Rating of Aberdeenshire Trip Overall

    Source: VA Visitor Survey Summer 2019

    This key finding is drawn from the summer 2019 wave of VisitAberdeenshire's Visitor Survey project, undertaken by Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce. Fieldwork took place over a 6 week period in July and August 2019 at key attractions and areas known for visitor footfall across the region.

    96% of respondents (Base Sample = 418) rated their overall experience as Excellent or Good. 

    It is reassuring to note that no visitors rated their experience as Poor or Very Poor, an extremely positive finding. 

    For information, 60% of respondents to the summer survey were overnight visitors.

    To read further findings from our Visitor Survey, please click on the links below.


    Visitor Survey: Recommend Aberdeenshire? Rating of Aspects of Trip Visitor Opinions on Aberdeenshire Visitor Shifts in Perceptions following Visit

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