Overseas Trips to Grampian 2017 (by country of residence) - with 2016 comparison

Country of Residence
    Visitor Trips by Purpose and Duration

    Trips by Origin - Overseas Visitors 2017 (with 2016 comparison)

    Source: VisitScotland Regional Insights

    This data is drawn from the International Passenger Survey (IPS), a continuous survey carried out by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). It covers all major air, sea and tunnel ports, providing detailed information on the numbers and types of visits made by people travelling to and from the UK. 

    - The first column represents visitor numbers to Grampian as a whole in 2017 and includes Aberdeen City.

    - The second column gives a 2016 comparison.

    - The third column represents visitor numbers to Aberdeen City only in 2017.

    - The fourth column gives a 2016 comparison.

    The top 3 inbound markets for 2017, in terms of visits, were USA, Germany and Norway. The US and German visitors were clearly drawn to both the City and Shire product, whilst the Norwegian visitors appear to be more city-focused.

    Hover over the chart points to see raw data. 

    Please note the sample sizes for this survey are small and the results should be treated with caution.

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