Scotland Golf Visitor Survey 2016: First time visitors to Scotland? (Aberdeenshire respondents)

    Visitor Trips by Purpose and Duration

    Scotland Golf Visitor Survey 2016: First time visitor to Scotland?

    Source: Scottish Golf Visitor Survey 2016

    The Scotland Golf Visitor Survey 2016 was undertaken by SQW and Progressive on behalf of VisitScotland and Scottish Enterprise.

    Of the small sample, only a quarter were visiting Scotland for the first time. A fifth were very familiar with Scotland, stating they take holidays/short breaks regularly in this country.

    For this specific question, the base sample for Aberdeenshire is 128 respondents only, so these results must be treated with caution. 


    Total Sample: First time visitor to Scotland?

    Yes: 30%

    No, I've been once before: 14%

    No, I've been several times before: 44%

    No, I take holidays/short breaks in Scotland regularly (at least once a year): 12%

    Base Sample: 899

    Click on the links below to view other top-line findings from the Scotland Golf Visitor Survey.

    Scotland Golf Visitor Survey 2016: Age Profile Scotland Golf Visitor Survey 2016: Origin

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